México Destination Club is Grupo Xcaret’s loyalty program, that offers its distinguished members a membership to its exclusive vacation club, characterized by its extraordinary privileges inside its hotel complexes, at our nine Parks and Tours, and through our strategic alliances, that offer discounts and benefits in Mexico and around the world.
Our vacation club in Riviera Maya is not a timeshare, mainly because México Destination Club does not establish obligatory maintenance fees or limits the number of available weeks to vacation each year. On the contrary, the benefits included within Grupo Xcaret and our strategic allies provide our members multiple advantages and facilities to vacation more frequently, to more exotic places while you take advantage of preferential rates and deals.
Differently from a traditional timeshare program, your affiliation to México Destination Club does not establish restrictions to the number of weeks to vacation per year, does not charge maintenance fees or local taxes, and does not issue a property title over a specific unit. This means that you will have more flexibility when booking your stays, you will be able to choose over several kinds of rooms and will not be surprised by charges not mentioned at the moment of acquiring your membership with our vacation club.
On the contrary, your benefits as a distinguished member are boosted by the All-Fun Inclusive® concept, a preferential lodging rate and other exclusive privileges at Hoteles Xcaret and through our strategic allies in the novel Circle of Benefits.